Category Archives: Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness

5 Lifestyle Changes For Insomniacs To Improve Sleep

Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder among a lot of people, and it can take a huge toll on your lifestyle as well as mental health if you don’t go to a sleep doctor specialist chevy chase soon. Here are some things you can do to improve your sleep as an insomniac. Limit Alcohol And Caffeine Consumption You might have this time and time…

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Ways to survive allergy seasons

Allergy seasons might be particularly difficult in some years. For individuals who suffer from seasonal allergies, last September was the worst month ever. This will cause a slew of unpleasant symptoms in those who are allergic to pollen, necessitating the care of an allergy doctor. Allergy seasons can be severe at times owing to a variety of climatic circumstances, such as wet winters, which result…

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Preventing allergies during peak season

With spring coming, many people start to worry about their seasonal allergies. Allergy is when a person’s immune system reacts to certain allergens that other people are not affected by. They cause symptoms such as runny noses, rashes and itching, sneezing and coughing, congestion, watery eyes etc. This causes people feeling miserable throughout their allergic reaction which requires the attention of an experienced allergist. People…

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What Are Winter Allergies And How To Avoid Them

What Are Winter Allergies? Winter allergies are just another seasonal allergy that needs to be treated by an allergist because if you ignore your allergy symptoms then, it might transform into something bigger and more serious. However, in winters, you like to spend more time inside your house in a cozy and warm environment as the weather is extremely chilly outside so, the winter allergies…

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What is elbow replacement surgery?

Repeated pressure or overuse can overload the tissues where it is attached to the bone. Overuse can also cause pain over the elbow joint. Depending upon the location and severity of the injury or pain, the treatment options and recovery time varies. The conditions that necessitate elbow replacement include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In rheumatoid arthritis the synovial membrane surrounding the joint get inflamed and…

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What Is A Chlorine Allergy?

An allergy doctor is an allergist or immunologist, is a physician that is specially trained to diagnose, treat and manage allergies, asthma and immunologic disorders including primary immunodeficiency disorders. These conditions range from the very common to the very rare, spanning all ages and encompassing various organ systems. WHAT IS CHLORINE? It’s a no-brainer that chlorine can only be found in swimming pools in order…

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Swimming Is Good For Kids

A doctor for weight loss is a physician who specializes in Bariatrics, the field of medicine encompassing with weight-loss is a Licensed Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) who specializes in medical weight management. Bariatric physicians may treat overweight and obese patients through diet, balanced nutrition, exercise, behavioral therapy, appropriate medications, or any combination of these treatments. Learning to swim is a skill…

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Are You Ready For Some Holiday Activities?

There is no stopping December and you have no choice but to start feeling the vibes of the season and everything else that goes along with it. It’s worth the whole year wait because you can again spend more days with family and friends and spend it in any way you like. In fact, you may have already planned something for this holiday season. If…

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The Right Carpet for Allergies?

The home is the safest haven for everyone. It is where you can be yourself and it is where you find contentment in spite of all the chaos. However, there are some cases that will really trouble you and they are known to be allergies.  What may cause your allergies, even while you’re at home can just be lurking within the four corners of your…

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Raspberry for Weight Loss?

From “Rubus idaeus” also known as red raspberries, is where the Raspberry Ketone chemical came from. This chemical is more often than usually used as an option for healthy meal plans for weight loss, to boost lean body mass or for some is for the improvement of their hair growth. The Raspberry Ketone Miracle Science has also introduced raspberry ketone in foods, cosmetic products, and…

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