Tag Archives: chimney cleaning services

6 Signs Of An Obstructed Chimney

Your chimney is your best friend in the cold winter nights, providing your house with the warmth that you crave for and giving a cozy and comforting atmosphere. But it does come with its disadvantages and one of the worst things is an obstructed chimney, for which you would need to hire chimney cleaning services. What Are The Things That Can Cause Obstruction In The…

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How To Clean A Chimney From Inside

There are some really amazing tips that chimney cleaning services follow for inside cleaning that one must know. Let’s have a quick look at a few of those tips. Do Thorough Inspection of Chimney This will help you decide how much depth is required for cleaning of chimney or what sort of tools you will need for a completely clean chimney. Also, make a note…

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Chimney Sweep: 3 Things To Do When Cleaning The Chimney By Yourself

You can clean the chimney by yourself or hire a chimney sweep to help you out. If you choose to clean the unit by yourself, you need to consider a number of things: Watch out for creosote Creosote is a black or dark brown tar that is deposited on the chimney walls as a result of lighting fire in the chimney. There are three types…

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Chimney Sweep: Chimney Soot Stains And How To Get Rid Of Them

The fireplace is meant to keep the house warm and you should enjoy the warmth coming from it. Unfortunately, the comfort that comes with having a fireplace can be dampened by the presence of unsightly soot discoloration of bricks and stones. Over time, soot accumulates and thickens on the masonry until there are black stains on and/or around the fireplace. Many homeowners live with the…

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